About This Blog

My name is Michéle P. Owens and I am a Visual Artist. My studio is based in Olympia Fields, IL (Chicago born and raised--South Side). I love to create in various mediums. Most recently I have been painting with acrylics. I love to create! To start with something so vague and distorted and then to end up with something that explains the vagueness or distortion is more than intriguing to me (more about me and my art later). I started this Blog as an extension of my website (www.michelepowens.com). It serves many purposes: a means of 'exhaling' while I work--to release the crowded thoughts that might interfere with the process of creating art; and as an online avenue for creative and expressive writing.
Let's see what will come from this..

Monday, March 3, 2008

Vending at Taste of Bamboo Blue

On February 10th I participated in the Annual Taste of Bambooblue. This event, sponsored by the William Simpson Scholarship Foundation (http://wsesf.org/), was held to raise scholarship funds for African-American high school students. It was an interesting evening of art, poetry and good food. I met some very interesting people and made some good connections for future showings and new friendships. One of the best parts of my participation was the sale of two recent pieces (Humility I and Humility II). The buyer and I made an agreement that I would not offer prints or duplicates of the paintings so that he would own one-of-a-kind originals. I was honored that he would want such an agreement. He is also and artist (a photographer), and I hope to add some of his work to my own collection one day. Anyway, if you end up on Homewood, IL (708-799-4700) in search of some exquisite pan-Asian food, the blue is for you.
My favorites: Chicken pot stickers, Chicken egg rolls, Asian quesadillas, corn and crab chowder, mini-burgers, & crab cakes. The sauces and dressings and excellent, especially the blue cheese--no pun intended .

Many thanks to Robert Barber and Frame Masters (Matteson, IL) for great service in choosing frames for these pieces. Did I mention that I really dislike framing my work?

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to stop by and give you thumbs up for the awesome work that you are doing. Congratulations on your rebirth and I pray that you continue to create through what you feel, not necessarily what you see. Miracles and Blessings! Anita W.


Please keep your comments proactive. I enjoy reading what others have to say about art. I encourage you to think before you type and post. Profanity, degrading, or otherwise rude or disrespectful comments are NOT welcome.

A Paintings Slideshow