About This Blog

My name is Michéle P. Owens and I am a Visual Artist. My studio is based in Olympia Fields, IL (Chicago born and raised--South Side). I love to create in various mediums. Most recently I have been painting with acrylics. I love to create! To start with something so vague and distorted and then to end up with something that explains the vagueness or distortion is more than intriguing to me (more about me and my art later). I started this Blog as an extension of my website (www.michelepowens.com). It serves many purposes: a means of 'exhaling' while I work--to release the crowded thoughts that might interfere with the process of creating art; and as an online avenue for creative and expressive writing.
Let's see what will come from this..

Saturday, December 8, 2007

More about me: My rebirth as an artist

In the Spring of 2001 a basement flood ruined much of my previous work. Paintings, drawings, sculptures...oh the tragedy. I mourned appropriately and decided to start fresh. I bought a new sketchbook and began to record the things around me, but still no real move toward the dreams of my heart in relation to art. My work was halted yet again, but tis time for medical reasons. I was diagnosed with macular degeneration in both eyes, and I was nowhere near the age of retirement. Some vision was lost, my spirit was wounded, and I began to lose hope. I wondered if I would be able to 'see' art the same (in that unique way that gives an artist his/her identity). After several years (circumstances what they were), a few discomforting eye surgeries, and a whole lot of prayer, I was faced with the feeling of now or never.
For more than a decade, before these dramatic life changing events, I created for local patrons (general greater Chicago area). My work focused on graphic designs (t-shirts, banners, posters, flyers, business cards, & logos) and murals. The only other work that I had the time or space to do was for personal display. Still, this was not fulfilling enough...and so, in the hopes of walking boldly and intently in the vocation that I am called, I am creating whatever flows from my hands. I have a new determination to succeed as a visual artist, and a wisdom about preserving and documenting my art.

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A Paintings Slideshow